Top 5 mistakes to avoid in mobile app testing

Learn more about the five most common mistakes in mobile app testing.Read our guide to boost your team’s productivity.



UPDATED: JULY 25, 2023  POSTED: JULY 25, 2023

As the demand for seamless app experiences continues to rise, the significance of rigorous and fast mobile app testing cannot be overstated. Ensuring that your app functions flawlessly across increasingly fragmented devices is paramount to retaining user loyalty and maximizing revenue potential. In this article, we delve into the five most common and consequential mistakes to avoid in the mobile app testing process. Understanding and avoiding these pitfalls will help you fortify your testing strategy to stay competitive.  

Mistake one: ignoring automation  

If you’re still manually testing your mobile apps, you’re spending large amounts of people and time resources instead of focusing on fixing bugs and rolling out new features. Automation allows for unparalleled speed and testing iterations and frees up QA engineer time to work on more meaningful work. For an in-depth dive into the common myths surrounding no-code automation, check out our webinar here.

Mistake Two: Avoiding No-Code 

No-code is the natural next step to automation testing. By using a purely visual editor, you remove the need to use expensive headcount and precious time in your organization. Much like automation, no-code testing enhances efficiency and productivity through time savings. 

Simply put, no-code automation allows you to scale your testing ability without increasing headcount. And who wouldn’t want that? For a more thorough read on other no-code misconceptions, head over to our blog entry here.

Mistake Three: Using Emulators 

Device emulators arose as a workaround for the challenge of purchasing and maintaining an ever increasing array of devices. Android alone estimates over 24,000 unique devices created across 1,300 brands. While emulators do indeed subvert the need for physical devices, in practice they come with setbacks. Emulation software that isn’t paired with real-world hardware will fail to recreate real world standards. Without this, it may not have the capacity to catch bugs surrounding factors like camera or GPS usage. Fortunately there’s a solution that meets both budgetary and real-world test usage. Outsourcing your tests to real device labs will give you the highest standard of mobile app testing without increasing your overall budget. 

Mistake Four: Avoiding AI 

Whatever your feelings on AI may be, the reality is that it’s here to stay. Thankfully AI doesn’t need to be used to replace invaluable human-led work, but rather to enhance and expedite it. 

In the world of mobile app testing chatbots and AI based analytics can be used effectively for basic reporting and troubleshooting. By utilizing AI features that help debug faster you focus your resources on fixing issues faster, speeding up the testing cycle to save both time and money. 

Mistake Five: Choosing the Wrong Tools 

It goes without saying that mobile app testing tools should support your strategy every step of the way. If your tools and systems still rely on manual tests, incomplete device labs or emulators, or don’t plan on integrating AI it’s time to think about a sea change.  

Consider Sofy’s no-code automation paired with real device labs and AI feature, Sofysense. With Sofy you can complete testing in hours, not days. Get a demo today to see how we can enhance your mobile app testing efficiency and productivity.  


In conclusion, today’s mobile app testing strategies require a competitive edge to stay up to date. By leaning into automation, using no-code visual editors, relying on real devices, utilizing the power of AI, and leveraging the correct tools you can avoid the common pitfalls that hinder productivity and efficiency. 

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